Playing icebreakers tend to open people up. It gets them interacting and learning. It helps shatter the preconceived notions that most adults have developed over the years. As much as we try not to have prejudices and be open minded, there are still internal filters and preconceived notions that unconsciously occur in your mind. Things you’ve seen, heard, or experienced over the years that formed your ideas and perceptions. Icebreaker games can shatter those and open people up to working together.
Be excellent devices to help people feel more comfortable with themselves and with others and feel more “at home” in a group Break up the ‘cliques,’ invite people to form random groupings, and help individuals meet others in non-threatening and fun ways Be used to set a tone for the time a group will be together, will encourage people to feel “safe” and hopefully will evoke lots of laughter in releasing tension. Make way for more meaningful interaction and relationships during the life of the group.